On behalf of the Ministry of Health of Vietnam, the Infrastructure and Medical Device Administration (IMDA) has requested all related stakeholders and businesses to provide information on Class C and D medical devices with import licenses due to expiry on 31 December 2024.
According to Official Dispatch No. 519/HTTP-DKKD, several pieces of information were received about potential shortages of medical devices in healthcare. Hence, IMDA requests businesses to provide expiry information for the related medical devices to ensure no disruptions in the supply of medical devices and minimize the impacts on healthcare activities.
Below are the details required by the MOH:
Medical Device Name, Model/Type
Import License Number
Status of Registration Application
Application Code for Registration License (used to replace the expiring import license)
Businesses must mark ‘X’ in the remarks to notify authorities about medical devices with a short shelf life (less than 12 months) upon arrival in Vietnam.
All requested information must be submitted to the IMDA by 25 November 2024, before 5 pm. Submissions and inquiries should be emailed to hainh.httb@moh.gov.vn for consolidation and reporting.